Reflexive Verbs — Uses of the Reflexive

Reflexive Verbs — Uses of the Reflexive

To show that the action expressed points back to the subject, as in English.

Me corto.
I cut myself.

Se mató.
He killed himself.

Me veo en el espejo.
I can see myself in the mirror.

Some verbs in Spanish are used in the reflexive form even though they do not take a reflexive form in English.

Ana se cayó
Ana fell.

When the subject of a sentence is impersonal or indefinite, the reflexive construction is used. The verb is always in the third person singular. (In English sentences of this type, the subject is an impersonal expression, such as one, you, they, people.)

Se dice que es muy atrevido.
It is said that he is very bold.

Se sabe que no podemos evitarlo.
They know we cannot avoid it.

Se creía que nadie vendría a tiempo.
They thought that nobody would come on time.

Reflexive — Non Reflexive

Study the following examples which illustrate verbs used in nonreflexive and reflexive forms.

El barbero no me afeitó bien.
The barber didn't shave me well.

Me afeito todos los días. (reflexive)
I shave (myself) every day.

Llamé a mi amigo.
I called my friend.

¿Cómo se llama usted? (reflexive)
What is your name?

Me llamo Miguel Gómez. (reflexive)
My name is Michael Gómez.

Lavo los platos después de la comida.
I wash the dishes after dinner.

Me lavo las manos antes de comer. (reflexive)
I wash my hands before eating.

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